Saturday 25 June 2011

Why use Magento Commerce to develop their online store?

Magento is turned into a popular open source warehouse technology. has thrown for more than a year, and current versions are very stable.

We have been developing in trade Magento as well as its use for retail sale for a year now. We are often asked about Magento Extensions Commerce and why I recommend it as an online storage technology good.

So, why use Magento as their online store? Magento development India
In summary, I believe there are four major benefits in developing a website in Magento:
Magento has some fantastic features "outside the box." Most store owners these days want technology that is comprehensive and easy to use. Magento fits perfectly. Major features are included in the free community edition, such as:
- Wish Lists
- Multi store / mall feature
- Mailing lists
- Compare products
- Package / Grouped / digital products and
- CMS system static pages
- Good performance SEO
- Advanced Search
- Layers / navigation filter
and more.

We have used these technologies in our own facilities and customer facilities. Most of the features are really good, and the ability to run multiple stores (with an inventory of the same or different) from a database, with completely different "skins" if you will, is fantastic.

API and integration
The API is how programmers interface other applications with Magento. Magento is a sophisticated and extensible API that lets you stay connected with other applications (both web and standalone applications).
For example, you can connect Magento to a number of external accounting systems, management tools, email lists, ERP systems and more.

This gives a great deal of flexibility Magento to grow with your business. It can be seamlessly integrated with other inventory / order / customer systems, and forced to work without problems. Magento Freelance

Magento code structure
Magento has been well designed from the beginning. No code of "core" and a clear distinction bewteen community/3rd party code. This means you can install other extensions and modules without fear of affecting the Magento updates in the future or how to break your site looks.
This structure has been integral to allowing MagentoCommerce to grow as fast as it has throughout the world and is a great reason to use Magento. Many people running older software open source e-commerce are upgrading to Magento.

Community and professional support

Magento is a very active community of both users and developers, many of whom are experts magento. There is already a large number of extensions that have been built for Magento, both free and commercial, allowing you to update your store any number of forms with a variety of third party services and systems.
If you have problems, it is likely that there are plenty of users willing to help in the forums or professional developers with the skills available to do the job.

This is only a brief summary of why I think Magento is a great technology to build online stores in the community edition is free to download and use, there are plenty of code you have to extend it, has a powerful API to allow that the integration of the shop in its business as it grows.
For more information about Magento, or shops to get developed, talk to experts Magento installation and development.

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