Friday 22 July 2011

How Does Magento Themes Unlike other

"Magento Ecommerce Development" The term probably sounds a familiar tone. Whether as an auditorium, an operator, or both, which has undergone a sea of ​​web applications, the options available through their issues. A theme has largely two types of users - First, the hearing-type of person who experiences it from the point of view of aesthetics and usefulness of browsing through a store - and secondly, the type of operator , which passes through an additional layer of experience of the subject to participate in the construction of the subject.

For the user type in the first place, a store experience is defined by the ability of a store to meet their tactical and emotional demands. For the second type user to play the role of creator, is the efficiency with which he / she is able to complete a set of development tasks that determines the shop experience.We recognize that the experience of the two types user to determine the final profitability of the store, so the user experience can not afford to ignore.

We know that as designers and have the final graph of the best things covered (service-type audiences), we realized we had help along the construction of an out-of-this- world, the issue of management to maximize the efficiency of your workflow and creativity to a higher level. Here are some things we think we may have to drool:

Maximum power customizationWith Magento you can update the look of your store level and product category, giving greater power of marketing and promotion, as well as a shop with a unique design endless. Have you ever imagined the presentation of each product in their own personalized page product information? Magento gives you the power to do just that and more, providing a quick way to customize the product in a by-product for each category.

Multiple issuesMagento gives you the ability to load multiple themes at once, allowing you to switch between a design defect and store temporary or specific event of the season - all at the command of a key stroke.

Uninterrupted workflow

With the fully object-oriented programming Magento, all modules are immediately accessible through the template code template files. And because Magento feature rich works out of the box, you never have to rely on a programmer to complete the simplest tasks for you. Magento also draws on an extensive network of community members knowledgeable (including official Magento Team), so you never have to think twice about where to get guidance in case you need it on the road. Magento Freelance

Minimize debugging time
Any designer can remember those times and lost precious minutes looking for the closed set examined by the validator. The validator can tell you what is wrong, but never seem to tell you where it is happening. Magento backend modular brings a modular template system that minimizes the amount of (X) HTML you need to handle at once. Less clutter means less clutter and more the wisdom of the truly important things in life.

In fact, the best part of what Magento offers, however, is an application that draws on its flexibility, leaving nothing to worry about, excluding the bright plans for the front of the 'wow' the next final. The sky is the limit for this application, and hope you have fun that the application to your store.

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