Thursday 1 December 2011

6 reasons to choose the Magento e-commerce for your store

Availability and many online stores, the majority of people are searching for new products and services to purchase, which gives priority to the Internet. This increased demand, e - has led to the introduction of many commerce sites. However, demand has increased dramatically in the customer does not hesitate to switch to another store to meet their electronic. If you create e-commerce store that you can attract the user is a user friendly website that you need to ensure that you have many impressive features. The Magento is the ideal platform to achieve these things. Let us look at some of the main advantages of using the Magento e-commerce for the store.
Magento Extensions
Multi-site: If you have multiple online shop is for you to Magento. It allows you to run a further 20 stores you have the same admin panel. Also rather than switch to another website, you can manage orders and customers from one location. This is one of the main reasons to use the Magento.

Browse products: the Magento is able to produce the E-commerce solutions and robust dynamic, including the product catalog to view products and services a variety offered by the web site e-commerce for your visitors The. Are you up-to increase your average order value quite easily with a cross, and it can be, and other related tools.

Order management: You can use order management tool for Magento, useful to print the invoice or packing slip whenever necessary. It is new, pending, payment processing, cancellations, full, Decline, and provides the status of another order, such as call waiting and suspected fraudulent activity. You can use these tools to manage the status of your order very easily and can be customized.
Magento development India
A large collection of extensions: it is the platform Magento is highly customizable with a huge community to help ensure continued growth. You can change the appearance of the product you are thousands of extensions available in the Magento Connect store to help do things like improve your website load time. And of Magento, depending on your needs and requirements, you can customize your online store.

Social shopping: Social shopping is a new wave of e-commerce website to expand the limits of traditional commerce. It's just traffic, social shopping is to get more customers is not. The Magento is an e-commerce certainly is keeping up with the new trend. Customer and sends it to a friend Add to Wish List is built on the Magento features to help you become more and more to the social shopping experience that is three customers.
Magento Freelance
Search Engine Friendliness: If you can easily find you on your customers, it is easier to build a strong customer base. It is the Magento to generate a full URL is ideal for SEO. Also, you can classify a product, you can add meta-information automatically. Search engine friendly, rewrite and auto-generated maps are part of other SEO friendly features built into the Magento.

The Magento is the backbone of many e-commerce business that runs on the Internet today. To increase your visitors and increase your sales, you get an excellent platform for this.

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